You Are Not a Dog

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You Are Not a Dog

Have you ever played the game Monopoly?

One of the first things you do before playing the game is select your game piece. The game piece isn’t actually you, but it represents you as you play the game.

You can choose from a thimble, a wheelbarrow, a dog, a cat, a battleship, a race car, and an iron, and so on and so forth.

When your game piece lands on “GO TO JAIL,” you have to go to jail and suffer the consequences, even though it wasn’t actually you, the flesh and blood son or daughter of God, who landed on GO TO JAIL.

This is exactly how real life is, but so few people realize it.

Not long after you were born, the GOVERNMENT CORPORATION gave you a game piece (some have called it your strawman).

In this real-life game of life, your game piece is almost indistinguishable from the real flesh and blood you!

It even has your exact name… it’s just in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.

And just like in the game of Monopoly, it’s your game piece that actually lands on the proverbial “GO TO JAIL,” but it’s the flesh and blood version of you that has to do the time!

It’s your game piece that gets the parking ticket, or the speeding ticket, but it’s the flesh and blood version of you who ends up paying the fine.

I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true!

This is the whole point of State National Academy! We help people separate themselves from their game piece (strawman).

You ARE NOT a dog! (Or a cat, or a wheelbarrow, or an iron – and you’re not the ALL CAPS VERSION of you created by the GOVERNMENT CORPORATION.)

If you’re ready to stop the insanity and you want to let the GOVERNMENT CORPORATION know that you are not a dead, corporate entity, and that you are the living, breathing man or woman, I invite you to join State National Academy, and let us help you correct your status and become a State National.

Take advantage of our beta phase pricing and save hundreds of dollars!

Click here to enroll in State National Academy and become a State National!

To your freedom!

American Patriot
Digital Soldier
State National