We the People Are Sovereign

We the People Are Sovereign
I want to introduce you to a foundational principle that, when understood, the State National movement will make a whole lot more sense to you.
Our founding fathers sought liberation from British rule, where the King was the sovereign, and the people were deemed subjects of the King.
In this system, it was believed that the King (or Queen) derived their power and rights from God, and they loaned some of those rights to their subjects.
Our inspired founding fathers flipped the script.
They knew that power and rights come directly from God to His children, and, in turn, His Children, We the People, loan some of that power to the government.
However, in the years following America’s inception, the independent nation States and the People have experienced a loss of sovereignty to a corrupt and overreaching federal government.
The State National movement is a journey of learning true history, and reclaiming our sovereignty, which is our birthright.
Foundational Principal #1: God is sovereign. We are God’s offspring, and as such, we are also sovereign, and are subject only to God. The government is subject to We the People. This was the design and intent of our founding fathers.
Got it? If not, no worries….
You’ll get it little by little… line upon line, precept upon precept.
To your freedom!
American Patriot
Digital Soldier
State National
PS If you’ve done your homework and you’re ready to become a member of State National Academy and become a State National, click here to enroll.