What is a State National

So, what is a State National? It’s a great question… the most important question here at State National Academy. The easiest way to answer the question is to say… A State National is essentially what We the People were prior to the ratification of the 14th Amendment. We the People created the government to be…

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Mike Davis – We the People are Sovereign

I was watching Steve Bannon’s War Room recently, when Steve was introducing one of his guests. It caught my attention when he said something like, “This man could very likely be the Attorney General in Trump’s next administration.” His name is Mike Davis, and he gets it! Watch this one-minute clip where he talks about…

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You Are Not a Dog

Have you ever played the game Monopoly? One of the first things you do before playing the game is select your game piece. The game piece isn’t actually you, but it represents you as you play the game. You can choose from a thimble, a wheelbarrow, a dog, a cat, a battleship, a race car,…

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We the People Are Sovereign

I want to introduce you to a foundational principle that, when understood, the State National movement will make a whole lot more sense to you. Our founding fathers sought liberation from British rule, where the King was the sovereign, and the people were deemed subjects of the King. In this system, it was believed that…

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How to Become a State National

I’m Chris, the Founder of State National Academy, and I wanted to take a moment to share with you how I became a State National. For over a year, my brother kept talking to me about these “State Nationals.” He constantly sent me videos about State Nationals and how life as an American was intended…

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