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A Quick History Lesson
The Declaration of Independence
In 1776, our Founding Fathers declared their independence from Great Britain. In the Declaration of Independence, some vitally important distinctions were made; namely, that all men are created equal, that all men are endowed by God with unalienable (un-a-lien-able) rights (rights come from God), that governments are instituted merely to secure those rights, and that governments derive their just power from the consent of the people. In other words, governments get their “power” from the people.
Under King George III, it was believed power and rights came from God to the King, and the King loaned some of those powers to his subjects. Our founders knew that power and rights come from God directly to the people, and that the people loan some of those powers to a government which is subordinate to and subject to the people - We the People.
14th Amendment - The Creation of a New Class of Citizen
In 1868, Congress created a new class of citizen when it unlawfully ratified (under threat and duress) the 14th Amendment. This new, second-class citizen was a “person” (another word for a corporation - a dead entity), not We the People.
These persons became “subject” to the government (like subjects of a king or queen), and were given privileges and equal protection, in place of the un-a-lien-able rights, that We the People had prior to 1868. (14th Amendment Section 1 - All PERSONS born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the PRIVILEGES or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the EQUAL PROTECTION of the laws.
The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 - USA INC.
The United States changed dramatically with the passage of the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871. This act created a "Body Corporate," which is another word for a corporation. This was the moment there became two United States: The United States - the country - the geographical area south of Canada and north of Mexico, and the UNITED STATES, the federal corporation.
The evidence is found in the United States Code, Title 28, Section 3002, Subsection 15, where "United States" is defined as "a federal corporation." Far from being a conspiracy theory, or a fringe belief, this is a fact, written into the law itself, yet it remains one of the lesser-known facets of American legal education. Most attorneys don't even know that the United States is a corporation, much less what it means to those of us who live here.
Corporations Can’t Govern Free People
Once governments chose to become incorporated, they lost the legal ability to govern free men and women. It would be no different than Amazon or Walmart trying to govern We the People. This is why the 14th Amendment was so important to those who even then wished to enslave us, because the 14th Amendment essentially made the people (persons) property of the government. There is a legal maxim which says, “That which one creates, one controls.” We the People created the government, but then the government created this second class, the 14th Amendment citizen. Again, that which one creates, one controls. 14th Amendment persons were a creation of the government and thus became legally controlled by the government.
Birth Certificates: Property of the State
The incorporation efforts didn’t stop at the federal level; they cascaded down to states, counties, cities, and indeed, to each individual, all of whom have also been incorporated. So how did that happen? When your parents filled out your birth certificate application, they essentially gave you to the state, albeit unknowingly. They voluntarily “registered” you with the State, giving the state jurisdiction or power and control over your life. Once you became property of the state, the first thing the state did was create a corporation in your name. When you were born, you were a creation of nature and nature's God. You were one of We the People. However, that ended when your parents voluntarily filled out the birth certificate application, and thus gave you to the state and in an instant, you were demoted to a second-class 14th Amendment corporate person.
Your ALL CAPS NAME - Your Game Piece - Is Not You
When you play the game Monopoly, you pick a game piece, such as a dog. This dog isn’t you, but it represents you during the game. If your game piece lands on “GO TO JAIL,” you, the player, have to go to jail and suffer the consequences, even though it wasn’t actually you, the flesh and blood son or daughter of God, who landed on GO TO JAIL. This is exactly how life is, though few realize it. The corporation the government made in your name is your game piece (otherwise known as your straw man, your vessel, or your shipping company). In this real-life game of life, just like in Monopoly, it’s your game piece that actually lands on the proverbial GO TO JAIL, but it's the flesh and blood version of you that has to pay the fine and do the time. It’s your game piece that gets the parking or speeding ticket, but it’s the flesh and blood version of you that suffers the penalty. This is why it’s so important to disconnect yourself from your game piece and the 14th Amendment corporate person!
Statutes, Codes, and Ordinances Supplant the Constitution
For hundreds of years before the United States was a country, other countries were doing business with each other using the laws of international commerce, otherwise known as the law of the water or admiralty law - essentially commercial law. Over time in the United States, this law of the water began to be implemented on the land, and now commercial law has, in many ways, supplanted the Constitution with statutes, codes, and ordinances. The implications are profound: in many cases, what we consider legal requirements violate the Constitution. Supreme Court rulings have even distinguished the legality of statutes versus the true essence of law, stating that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and there is none higher.
Reclaiming Freedom: The Possibility of Opting Out
Imagine being able to break these chains and regain a sense of true freedom and sovereignty. This isn't mere fantasy; millions of Americans have found a way to lawfully ignore many government corporation requirements which violate the Constitution and common law.
Embarking on the Educational Journey to Freedom
State National Academy (SNA) offers a beacon of hope for those feeling ensnared by the tyrannical grip of an out-of-control, corrupt government. SNA promises to guide you through the intricacies of what has been done to you and, more importantly, teach you, step-by-step, how to liberate yourself from unconstitutional governmental overreach.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Prior to 1868, Americans did not consider themselves “US Citizens,” but rather, citizens or nationals of the Nation State where they lived, i.e., Virginians, New Yorkers, New Jerseyans, Georgians, etc. They were state citizens or state nationals of their own nation state.
We the People created government (and Congress, etc.). However, in 1868, Congress created a new class of citizen when it unlawfully ratified (under threat and duress) the 14th Amendment. This new, second-class citizen was a “person” (another word for a corporation - a dead entity), not We the People.
These persons became “subject” to the government (like subjects of a king or queen), and were given privileges and equal protection, in place of the un-a-lien-a-ble rights, that We the People had prior to 1868. (14th Amendment Section 1 - All PERSONS born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the PRIVILEGES or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the EQUAL PROTECTION of the laws.
“State National” is a term given to those who have followed a lawful process to correct their civil and political status, changing it from a second-class 14th Amendment US Citizen to one of We the People.
“State National” is a recognized status in the US Code (Title 8 Section 1101 (a) (21) or (23)) if naturalized. This status disconnects the individual from the 14th Amendment corporate citizen.
No. We are very pro-government! However, like our founders, we are opposed to corrupt governments, tyrants, and tyranny. Regardless, we are peaceful, loving, law-abiding Americans.
You are essentially declaring your independence from the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION and changing your status from a 14th Amendment Citizen to a State National.
No, we are not removing ourselves from the three juris (land, air, water). By using their system, we are taking dominion over these three juris.
No. The term “sovereign citizen” is an oxymoron. We are in no way connected to the “sovereign citizen”movement, which was a misnomer from inception.
State Nationals do not renounce America or the Constitutional United States. We renounce the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION's 14th Amendment “citizen” - de facto UNITED STATES (28 USC 3002 (15)). We are renouncing the CITIZENSHIP status with the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT.
Yes, you can “still vote;” however, State Nationals don’t “vote.” We elect. Later in this process, you will learn how to change your status from “voter” to “elector.”
The same way it was funded from 1776 until 1913: with tariffs and excise taxes. Tariffs are taxes on imported goods, while excise taxes are levied on specific goods, services, and activities, like sales tax.
If suddenly the entire population legally stopped paying income tax, it would force a corrupt and bloated government to shut down all unconstitutional agencies and end all unconstitutional programs and expenditures, like Obama phones, Obamacare, welfare, housing illegal aliens in $300-a-night hotels, and hundreds of billions of dollars for Ukraine to launder.
There are only 19 constitutionally chartered federal services, most of which are military. The original purpose of the federal government was to provide for the common defense of the 13 independent nation-states (colonies). That’s it. If we are to restore our Republic, trimming the fat will be a big part of that, and opting out of the tax system is one thing we can all do to help restore our great Republic.
No you will not. By correcting your status to a National, you are going to be splitting into two “persons” in law: one will be you as the natural person and the other will be your public corporation of your name in all caps. All your “benefits” are attached to the public corporation, and thus your all caps public corporation will continue receiving benefits.
Yes. You have earned those. They are yours.
No you will not. By correcting your status to a National, you are going to be splitting into two “persons” in law: one will be you as the natural person and the other will be a statutory person, a corporation, the public corporation of your name in all caps. All your “benefits” are attached to your all caps name public corporation, and thus your all caps name public corporation will continue receiving benefits. Your all caps name corporation will never go away.
Yes, since technically you were never a US citizen, you haven't renounced anything.
In the questionnaire, where it asks, “Have you ever renounced your citizenship,” your answer should be “No.” Also, you must use a Driver's License or some form of government-issued ID with your address on it; you cannot use your passport as identification.
However, after enrolling in the State Citizen Passport Course and receiving your State Citizen Passport, you can use this as ID to purchase arms. The dealer might say passports cannot be accepted as ID, but encourage them to run the application anyway. They will be surprised to learn your State Citizen Passport is accepted as ID.
Yes, but we are not currently offering resources for this process. Check back soon.
Yes, the movement is growing rapidly in several countries, but SNA only offers education and resources for Americans living in the United States.
As the Bible teaches, the laborer deserves wages. SNA has simplified and streamlined a very complex and confusing process. There are other companies that offer DIY services with no support, and other websites like SNA that are full-service, charging between $800 and $4,500. SNA offers the simplest, most enjoyable process available and the best of both worlds—full-service and affordable.
You don’t “need to.” But if you want to enjoy the freedom and liberty that our founders sacrificed so much for, this is the first step in that journey.
Greater levels of freedom and liberty, personal satisfaction, becoming a legal non-tax payer, getting a State National passport, which essentially gives you limited diplomatic immunity, and long list of other benefits.
You do not “need” a new passport unless you want to complete this process and enjoy the full freedoms. Should you choose to complete this process, yes, you will need to get a new passport which reflects your new status. The purpose of the passport process is to notify the State Department that you have changed your status and to request that they update the background information on your passport accordingly.
Additionally, when passports belonging to State Nationals are run by law enforcement, the LexisNexis system indicates, “Do not detain. Do not interrogate. 50-state concealed carry for life.” This is due to the fact that we, as State Nationals, have limited diplomatic immunity, which indicates that unless there is an injured party, no crime has been committed.
JFK was not killed by a single shooter. We were lied to about 9-11. Joe Biden did not receive 81 million votes. President Trump did not lose the 2020 election; it was stolen. Covid-19 was man-made. The Covid-19 experimental medical treatment is not a vaccine, nor is it safe and effective. It is factually and statistically the most dangerous and deadly "vaccine" in history. Masks do not prevent the spread of disease, and they are detrimental to your health. You won't find any of these facts on Google either. Google is another "institution" that has been infiltrated or otherwise overtaken.
Yes, we will be adding support for minors soon.
Yes, but more importantly, it’s lawful.
Some sources have reported numbers as high as 35,000,000 Americans who have completed the process of correcting their status. However, SNA makes no claim as to the size of the movement and is currently awaiting the results of a FOIA request made to the Secretary of State’s office to verify these numbers. The Secretary of State’s office has asked for an extension of time to answer this request, citing the difficulty of gathering these numbers from multiple agencies and offices within the U.S. government.
As Washington DC is presently regarded as a foreign country to the Republic, relocating to a state within the Republic is necessary. Similar to individuals migrating to the united states Republic from abroad, a seven-year residency on the Republic’s land and soil is required to achieve naturalization into the union.
Individuals born in territories like DC, Puerto Rico, Guam, or other U.S. territories need to undertake an additional step before proceeding with the Affidavit of Repudiation (AOR). This step, the Affidavit of Inhabitancy (AOI), is essential for those who are not naturalized citizens or were born in outlying territories, including Puerto Rico, American Samoa, DC, etc. Before progressing with the AOR, one must submit an AOI and wait for a 21-day period, ensuring no objections arise, and then record the document.
Yes! No problem. You can also convert your business or LLC (regulated by the state Secretary of State) into a Private Business Association (protected by the Bill of Rights and operates outside of government regulators). SNA offers a course on PMAs and comprehensive PMA creation services.
Yes, it’s true! As children of God, people are sovereign, but our government no longer operates by 'the consent of the governed,' and has long ceased recognizing the people's sovereignty and, in fact, has purposefully worked to subvert it. By becoming a State National, you are undoing what has been done to you and you are claiming your status as one of We the People, a free man or woman, living on the land.
SNA uses a process that has been taught for decades. However, the most valuable part of taking this journey is the education you’ll receive. SNA focuses on education as much if not more than the processes. This is one of the many characteristics that differentiate SNA from other platforms. We will be adding additional educational courses to the members area consistently over the coming months.